Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Freakin' Fantastic Focaccia

Have you ever made something and thought, "Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought it would be." Or conversely, "Wow, how did I eff that up so badly?!?" Luckily for me and mine, this focaccia recipe fell into the first category - yay! Focaccia has always seemed like a fancy bakery item, and while I've boldly tried many a loaf, baguette and brioche, I hadn't ever attempted to...put vegetables and herbs on my bread. Duh duhn dhuuunnnnn. But there is a massive rosemary bush at our new house, so I feel urged to put the herb into every third item I make. I mixed it up with some kalamata olives and onion, and the flavors were super! Since it doesn't have to go through a second rise, just more of a rest, focaccia is also slightly faster to make than a traditional yeast bread. While I just sliced and served this, it also makes a good bread for sandwiches, especially if the loaf comes out on the thick side, or dipping into olive oil.

I more or less used this recipe, but I didn't caramelize the onions first. My favorite part of the operation is poking the bread over and over again (so it doesn't puff up while it bakes), it feels like being an angry version of the disembodied finger that goes for the Pillsbury dough boy. Poke away!

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